Creating a Stopwatch Timer with Sencha Touch
6 minsIn order to get it to work within Sencha Touch's MVC structure, a few changes were necessary but the bulk of the code is the same as the one I linked to.
In order to get it to work within Sencha Touch's MVC structure, a few changes were necessary but the bulk of the code is the same as the one I linked to.
It's finished! If you're not familiar with this series, I've been working on converting a native Android mobile application I created a little while ago into Sencha Touch. You can follow along from the start here.
How is it exactly that this works behind the scenes? How is it Sencha Touch can create mobile applications, which are typically reserved to the native language of the device, with web technologies?
Getting the users own music to play from their music library was a big stumbling block for me but eventually I was able to get it to work for Android devices but not iOS.
But of course we're going to have to do a few other things if we want to get it working within the Sencha Touch framework. First of all you'll have to download the source file 'photoTilt.js'
The Amazon Appstore is not as big as the iOS or Android app stores, but it is the only one that will accept web applications. Here's how you can submit your app.
This post is all about what has happened in the first (almost) month my app has been available on the iOS and Android app stores.
A little while ago Modus Create released the video and slides for a 'Sencha Touch Best Practices for Enterprise JavaScript Applications' webinar that took place on November 15th, 2013.
The icons that are included out of the box will usually be enough to cover most situations, but of course there are going to be times where you want to use an icon that isn't included.
I'm a fan of minimal design and favour the Cupertino theme over the default Sencha Touch styling, so let's take a look at how we can go about implementing this in our own application.
Weinre is a debugging tool that is essentially exactly the same as using the debugging tools in Chrome - except you can run it on your computer whilst your application runs on your phone.
App Inspector is a Google Chrome extension for debugging Sencha applications. It was contributed to primarily by Arthur Kay, Stefan Stölzle and Bruno Tavares.