This is the first episode of a new podcast I’ll be running about HTML5 mobile development.
I provide some more detail about what exactly this is all about and what you can expect in future episodes in the podcast, but in general it will be all about covering the new and exciting things that are happening in the HTML5 mobile development world, with a bit of a focus (for now) on Ionic, Phaser and PhoneGap.
In this episode I also have a chat with Andrew McGivery, a well known Ionic blogger, about his history with mobile development and our thoughts on Ionic V2.
As I mention in the podcast, this is all very new and I’ve never created a podcast before so I need your feedback to make it better – tell me what you liked and what you didn’t (content, audio quality etc.). As long as there is enough interest in these I will keep making them (most likely monthly).
Music by DST: